The Cape Grysbok bears a resemblance to the Steenbok and are small stocky antelopes standing 50cms to the shoulder and weighing circa 18kg. The male has straight sharp horns 6cms – 13cms long and is usually darker in colour than the female. They have coarse reddish brown coats speckled with white hairs, red undersides and a yellowish red throat. A dark Y-shaped marking can be found running from the forehead down to the nape of the neck. The ears are large with white radial stripes on the inside. Cape Grysbok are generally nocturnal, active from the late afternoon. They seek out open areas for grazing which takes place under the cover of darkness. In daylight, the Cape Grysbok rest up in bush or in the shade of rocks. Cape Grysbok are non gregarious and are usually found alone. When threatened, Cape Grysbok will lie down flat in the grass. When pursued, Grysbok will run at a zig zag gallop, diving into a hole for protection from predators. The Cape Grysbok is found only in the Western Cape and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa. They are plentiful in the coastal thickets and fynbos of the area.
Sharpe’s Grysbok have a wider distribution across southern and central Africa. The Sharpe’s Grysbok is smaller in size rounded ears and a more pointed muzzle. They are lighter in colour, similar to the southern bush duiker, and have a wider distribution. The males have small horns around 5cms. Grysbok are best hunted with a shotgun but often do not allow the hunter to get near. Being nocturnal, Grysbok are frequently hunted at night. Often they can be found at daybreak and dusk along the edges of dense vegetation and the hunter needs to be in position before it gets light.